U-UD DNA's Polymerase UD, JH, WCX (Pol)

Member of the Golden Retriever Obedience Hall of Fame 

Pol, Mary’s Novice A dog won several High in Trials and 75 OTCh points before retiring.

U-CD DNA's Random Reaction UD,JH,AX,AXJ,NF,WC (Random)

Random did very well in the obedience ring. He placed 4th at the All Star International Obedience Competition in the Novice Division. While pursuing his CD, U-CD and CDX, his qualifying scores earned him the Front and Finish Excellence Award Obedience Gold and Front and Finish Excellence Award Obedience Platinum.

About the Instructor

Mary Maltbie has been training dogs and teaching family dog obedience classes since 1990 through local dog obedience clubs. She started teaching competition obedience classes since 1997 and has taught all competition levels (Novice, Open and Utility) for many years. Mary is a member of National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors. Mary brings a wealth of dog behavior and training knowledge to this area and has worked with many dog breeds and handlers in fulfilling their goals for the obedience ring.

Mary has competed in obedience (AKC and UKC) since 1993 and competed in Agility (AKC) starting in 1995 with her own dogs. All of her dogs have done very well in their show careers.

Mary strongly believes in the importance of furthering her education. She furthers her education by attending seminars and continually researches other training methods by referencing available videos and books in order to expand her knowledge of training methods and relationship building with our canine companions.

Mary’s Dogs

KC's Spirit Valley CDX,JH,OA,NAJ,OF,RN,GO,WC (Simi)

Simi has placed in every leg towards her CD and CDX titles including a second place at the Golden Retriever National in her first appearance in Open.

RACH Otterbrook's Song of Ice and Fire UD, GO, PCDX, BN, RM3, RAE4, JH, WC (Steel)

Steel did everything with speed and enthusiasm. In just a short time frame of going for his RACH, he was ranked number 2 in High Triples and number 1 in High Combines among golden retrievers according to AKC data in July 2022.

Otterbrook’s Expanse CD,PCD,RI,BN (Holden)

Holden is Steel’s son and has just started his competition career.